Values of Grounded Spirit






Love is a relational commitment- to be present, to be compassionate, to be kind, to be honest and to be engaged. 

Generosity means saying yes to connection, leading with the heart and saying no to scarcity in mindset and reality. It means thinking of another in terms of what you have to offer rather than what you can get. 

Compassion- Is there a greater gift to give another than the compassion of being seen and accepted?  It doesn’t mean we always have to approve of or even support any given behavior, but it means we understand the entire person, their struggles and challenges, their gifts and strengths and their potential. 

Community- Transformation is best supported in community.  When we show up for each other, work through difficult conversations and hold each other accountable, we are able to grow in a way that is exponentially greater than when we embark on a journey of transformation alone. 

Authenticity- Being fully yourself, celebrating who you are and what you have to offer can only be done once you have practiced self-compassion and awareness.  Showing up boldly as our authentic and true selves ensures that we are aligned with our soul’s purpose.

“Terri is a gentle soul with a powerful spirit. Her knowledge is inspiring and her support is unwavering. She has been an amazing teacher and warm group leader. I highly recommend her as a guide on the path.”
— Holly