Sand Dollar Dreams

I dreamt last night that I was walking the beach picking up sand dollars. Walking the beach is one of the two predictable times in my life that I am anxiety free, fully present, and calm.  I often dream about the beach, ocean, and seashells when I am needing to bring some of that energy into my awake experience.

A sand dollar is actually a type of sea biscuit, an echinoderm, related to start fish and sea urchins.  But understanding the species isn’t the reason I am dreaming about it.  Rather, it is the symbolism of the sand dollar that is why my subconscious mind is bringing it forward for further reflection.

While the sand dollar represents different things including coins of mermaids, I believe it showed up in my dream to remind me of its unique life cycle of rebirth, renewal, and transformation. 

Science tidbit- Sea urchins (including sand dollars) have a unique life cycle, shifting through stages of both sexual and asexual reproduction.  At a young age, they undergo a fission process in which they split into two individuals.  As they grow, they reproduce by releasing eggs and sperm into the water to fertilize.  Who knew?!?

Anyway, I am going through a rebirth, renewal. and transformation of sorts.  I have realized recently that I am ready to get out from behind a computer and interact with others.  The last 18 months I have been in a clinical depression.  My depression wasn’t too hard to hide from everyone except my partner and dogs.  Thanks to medication, therapy, love, and dog snuggles, I am on the other side. While I will be writing more about that experience, this musing is focused on coming out of it.

This realization and transformation is leading me to new adventures, more authentic relationships, and a refocused attention focused on the glimmers in life. 

I don’t have to go far to find a sand dollar as they are everywhere in my house.  However, I did need to go to dreamland to realize that they are the symbol of my transformation. 

What transformation are you in need of acknowledging?  What will be the symbol of that transformation for you?